Dispersion models
The dispersion models that may be used are those in the latest edition of the US-EPA Guideline on Air Quality Models (Appendix W to Part 51). A recognized alternative may be used if the operator establishes that, in the case at hand, that model performs better than the models indicated in the guideline. The choice of the alternative model must be motivated by theoretical considerations and be supported by a comparative statistical analysis of the results, following the prescriptions of the Guideline on Air Quality Models. The latest version of the model must be used.
Calculation of the concentration of a contaminant in the atmosphere
Using the model, the operator must calculate the concentration in the atmosphere of each contaminant emitted for which a limit value is prescribed by sections 75 and 153 and in Schedules G and K.
The concentration of a contaminant in the atmosphere for a single source must be calculated by modeling with one of the following methods:
(1) a simple model, called a level 1 model, for a single source; or
(2) a multi-source complex model, called a level 2 model, simulating a single source.Modeling with a level 2 model is required if the concentration of contaminants calculated with a level 1 model is deemed significant according to the following formula:
C ≥ 4 x (LV-IC)/5
where LV and IC are, respectively, the limit value and the initial concentration provided for in Schedules G and K.
If the establishment has several emission sources, the concentrations of contaminants in the atmosphere must be calculated using a level 2 model.
All the parameters required for the model must be presented, namely,
(1) the model used and its version;
(2) the non-default options;
(3) the choice of environment (rural/urban);
(4) the dimensions of the modeling domain;
(5) the modeling scenario or scenarios;
(6) the physical features of the emission sources; and
(7) the calculations made to obtain the emission rates.
For level 2 modeling, the following parameters must also be presented:
(1) a description of the calculation points table;
(2) the origin and period of the meteorological data;
(3) the surface characteristics required to prepare the meteorological data files.
Modeling scenarios
The modeling scenarios must make it possible to reproduce the highest projected concentrations of contaminants on the basis of the period of application of the limit value. However, those scenarios do not include contaminant emissions attributable to unplanned and unpredictable situations, such as the use of generators in an emergency.
By using the concentration obtained for the calculation with a level 1 model, the daily and annual concentrations are obtained in the following manner:
Cdaily = CMAX-H x 0.24
CAN = CMAX-H x 0.04
where Cdaily is the daily concentration, CAN is the annual concentration and CMAX-H is the highest hourly concentration calculated.
For a level 2 model, the operator must prepare meteorological data files on the basis of 5 years of complete meteorological data representative of the location of the establishment. When such files are made available by the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs, they must be used.
In the case of a contaminant referred to in Schedule K for which the limit value established in column 1 is over a period of less than 1 hour, the concentration is calculated using the following formula:
C(T) = CMAX-H x 0.97 T - 0.25
where T is the time in hours and CMAX-H is the maximum concentration for 1 hour.
The operator must take into account the topography and include calculation points on the property limits or the limits of the industrial zone.
The initial concentrations of contaminants in the atmosphere, without the contribution of the source or sources considered for the modeling, must be added to the concentrations calculated. The resulting concentrations must be presented to enable comparison with the limit values prescribed by Schedules G and K.
Information to be retained
The operator must retain the following information and documents for a minimum of 5 years:
(1) one or more topographic maps showing the region for which the calculations have been made, indicating the pertinent geographical, physical and human elements. Each map must include a scale and the direction of geographical North;
(2) a top view and a sectional view indicating the dimensions of the establishment’s buildings, as taken into account in the model, and the location of the sources;
(3) the physical features of each source and the operating characteristics;
(4) for each contaminant and each period for which a limit value is prescribed, a table showing the maximum annual concentrations calculated for all the calculation points and years and their locations, the initial concentrations, the sum of the maximum concentrations calculated and the initial concentrations, and the limit value. When preparing that table, the calculation points located within the property limits or the limits of the industrial zone are excluded;
(5) the input data required for the operation of the model in a form compatible with its use (model input file) for the modeling carried out;
(6) the data generated by the operation of the model in a form compatible with its use (model input file) for the modeling carried out.
For level 2 modeling, the operator must also retain the following information and documents for a minimum of 5 years:
(1) the map or maps provided for in subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph, which will show the calculation points table, the establishment, and the property limits or the limits of the industrial zone;
(2) a 16-direction wind rose obtained from the meteorological data used in the model and indicating the average wind speed, the calm wind frequency and the proportion of missing data;
(3) for the contaminant whose maximum concentration calculated is the highest for each period for which a limit value is prescribed and for each contaminant whose maximum concentration calculated is significant, maps showing the modeling calculation results in the form of isopleth curves for each calculation point, except for the points located within the property limits, and for the entire calculation period. For each map, the results presented must include the initial concentration;
(4) for each contaminant and each applicable period, maps showing the number of exceedances for each calculation point, except for the points located within the property limits, and for the entire calculation period. The number of exceedances is calculated taking into account the initial concentration;
(5) the table provided for in subparagraph 4 of the first paragraph, which will also show the maximum number of exceedances calculated at the worst calculation point for all the calculation points and years, and their locations. When preparing that table, the calculation points located within the property limits or the limits of the industrial zone are excluded.